Butterbeer Fudge Recipe

A trip to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando is a dream come true for any Potterhead. The immersive atmosphere, thrilling rides, and magical shops transport you straight to Hogwarts. And of course, no visit is complete without indulging in the iconic Butterbeer. While the frothy beverage is a must-try, the Butterbeer Fudge sold at Honeydukes and Sugarplums is something we recommend you avoid. But, worry not! Stick around and we’ll share our easy fudge recipe for a Butterbeer Fudge you’ll actually enjoy!

The Butterbeer Fudge sold in the parks has been a letdown every time we’ve tried it. It is overly sweet, grainy, and lacks the rich, buttery flavor that should define this treat. As a devoted fan of all things Butterbeer, I knew I could conjure up something far more magical.

Avoid this treat if you are at the parks! 1/5 stars . . . but you can make it better at home with our Butterbeer Fudge recipe!

What is Butterbeer?

For the uninitiated, Butterbeer is a beloved beverage from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. While its exact recipe remains a secret, it’s described as having a butterscotch-like flavor with hints of shortbread, caramel, and cream soda. It’s available in various forms at Universal Orlando, including cold, frozen, and hot versions, each with its unique charm.

Where to Find Butterbeer Fudge at Universal Orlando

If you’re determined to try the park-official Butterbeer Fudge, you can find it at two locations within the Wizarding World:

  • Honeydukes: Located in Hogsmeade at Islands of Adventure, Honeydukes is a candy lover’s paradise, overflowing with colorful treats and magical sweets!
  • Sugarplums: Situated in Diagon Alley at Universal Studios Florida, Sugarplums offers a delightful selection of candies and confections, including their version of Butterbeer Fudge. Basically, this has all the same offerings as Honeydukes in Islands of Adventure.

While the fudge sold in the parks might not live up to the hype, the good news is that you can easily recreate the magic at home. With our super easy fudge recipe (and a bit of wizardry), you can conjure up a Butterbeer Fudge that surpasses the ones found in the Wizarding World.

The Butterbeer Fudge Spell: A Recipe for Success

This easy fudge recipe is inspired by the flavors of Butterbeer but elevated to new heights. It’s rich, creamy, bursting with butterscotch, marshmallow and cream soda notes, and is SO incredibly easy to make. Forget about candy thermometers and complicated techniques—this fudge comes together in just a few minutes with just a handful of ingredients and a microwave.

Imagine a fudge that melts in your mouth, leaving behind a lingering taste of butterscotch and warm spices. It’s the perfect treat to share with fellow Potterheads or enjoy while curled up with your favorite Harry Potter book. And the best part? You don’t need to be a skilled wizard or witch to make it.

Tips for Perfect Fudge

  • Don’t Overheat: Microwave your ingredients in short intervals (30 -45 seconds) and stir between each interval. Overheating can cause the chocolate to seize (the chocolate equivalent of curdling) or become grainy.
  • Line Your Pan: To make sure you nail this easy fudge recipe, make sure you line your pan with parchment so you don’t have to gouge the fudge out after it has cooled!
  • Chill Completely: Let the fudge set in the refrigerator for at least two hours before cutting. This will ensure clean slices and prevent it from becoming too soft.
  • Get Creative with Toppings: If you’d like, you can sprinkle in chopped nuts, toffee bits, or mini marshmallows in the bottom of your pan (before you pour the fudge) for some extra flair!

Beyond Butterbeer Fudge

By following this simple recipe, you can create a Butterbeer Fudge that’s even more magical than the one found in the Wizarding World, but there is so much more! Make a ginger newt, conjure a cauldron cake, or make your very own hot butterbeer!

Looking for a different kind of magic? Check out our Disney recipes here!


For the “top” / White Fudge:

  • 3/4 cup + 1 TBS White Chocolate Chips
  • 3.5 oz Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • 1/2 TBS salted butter
  • 1/4 tsp marshmallow or butter flavor (optional)

For the bottom / Butterscotch Fudge:

  • 3 1/4 Cup Butterscotch chips
  • 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 TBS salted butter
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • Flavorings are optional but recommended
  • 1/4 tsp rum flavoring
  • 1/4 tsp cream soda flavor
  • 1/4 tsp butter flavor
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla flavor


  1. Preparing the Pan: Lightly spray an 8×8 inch pan with cooking spray. Place a sheet of parchment paper in the pan, ensuring it extends over the edges to create two flaps. These flaps will assist in lifting out the fudge later. Grease the bottom and sides of the parchment paper with a teaspoon of butter to ensure easy separation from the fudge.
  2. Making the White Fudge Layer: In a microwave-safe bowl, combine white chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk. Microwave the mixture for 1 minute, then stir until smooth. In a separate container, melt the butter and then mix it into the white chocolate mixture. Optionally, add 1/4 teaspoon of marshmallow or butter flavoring to the mixture. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and set aside at room temperature while you make the butterbeer fudge.
  3. Preparing the Butterscotch Fudge Layer: Repeat the melting and mixing steps with the butterbeer fudge ingredients. Include the salt with the butterscotch chips and sweetened condensed milk in the microwave. Once you’ve mixed in the butter and extracts, pour the butterbeer fudge over the white fudge layer in the pan. Cut a piece of parchment paper and place it on top of the fudge to smooth out the surface.
  4. Setting the Fudge: Place the fudge in the refrigerator and chill for at least 2 hours to firm up.
  5. Serving: After the fudge has set, remove it from the pan using the parchment paper flaps. Cut the fudge into 1-inch squares.